How to: Create a Shareable URL Link to your Files

Google Drive, OneDrive & Dropbox Step-by-Step Instructions. 

Prepare your file(s) to the format, size and quantity outlined for this project.

See details: Frequently Asked Questions “Submission Format & Type”

Should you have any difficulties of queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email address]


Google Drive 

Getting your files ready:

  • Create a new folder in Google Drive. (Select the large “+” icon from the menu. Select “Folder”.)

  • Name your folder.

  • Upload your file(s) into this folder. 

Creating a Shareable URL Link in Google Drive: 

  • Double click the folder. 

  • Once inside the folder, at the top you will see the folder name and beside it a down arrow. 

  • Select the down arrow. And select “Share” from the list of options. 

  • A pop up will appear. Refer to section titled “Get link”. 

  • Click “Change to anyone with the link”

  • A URL address will appear. This is your shareable link. 

  • Copy and paste/share.


Getting your files ready:

  • Create a new folder in OneDrive. (Select “+New” from the menu. Select “Folder”.)

  • Name your folder.

  • Upload your file(s) into this folder. 

Creating a Shareable URL Link in OneDrive:

  • Hover your cursor over the folder you want to share. 

  • Select the icon that looks like three dots in a vertical line. 

  • A list menu will pop up. Select “Share” from this list.

  • A pop up titled “Send link” will appear. 

  • Hover over the first box of information. It will turn light grey. Click this. 

  • You will be taken to a menu of alternate options. 

  • From this list, select “Anyone with the link”. 

  • Select “Apply”. 

  • You will be returned to the previous pop-up menu. 

  • Now, hover over the circle with the link icon titled “Copy link”. Select. 

  • A new pop-up with a URL address will appear. This is your shareable link. 

  • Copy and paste/share.


Getting your files ready:

  • Create a new folder in Dropbox. (Select “New folder” from the menu options.)

  • Name your folder. (Note: Any option for “Who Can Access” is fine and will not affect the next step.)

  • Upload your file(s) into this folder. 

Creating a Shareable URL Link in Dropbox: 

  • Hover your cursor over the folder you want to share. 

  • A grey box titled “Share” and a small down arrow will appear.

  • Click the down arrow.

  • Select “Share with Dropbox”.

  • A pop-up window will appear. At the bottom is a section titled “Share a link instead”. 

  • In this section, select “Create link”. 

  • Now (in the same position) select “Copy link”. 

  • A black box will appear at the base of the screen with a URL link. This is your shareable link. 

  • Copy and paste/share.