Frequently Asked Questions
How long are submissions open?
Submissions are open till 28/02/2021 11:59pm.
Who Can Submit Experience(s)
A current Moreland: resident, volunteer, employee, employer, subcontractor, small business owner, non-for-profit, or community member.
This may also include Individuals who are/have been actively engaged with the Moreland community or area within 2020. Please note that you are welcome to submit your experience(s) anonymously.
Is My Suburb in Moreland?
Brunswick, Brunswick East, Brunswick West, Coburg, Coburg North, Fawkner, Glenroy, Gowanbrae, Hadfield, Oak Park, Pascoe Vale, Pascoe Vale South.
Additionally, small sections of other surrounding suburbs may be classified as Moreland (including parts of Fitzroy North etc.)
Enter your address into the search bar at: Know Your Council
What Can I Submit?
On 23/03/2020 new Stage 1 restrictions were implemented in Australia. Moreland: 23/03/2020 to xx/xx/xxxx invites you to share personal experience(s) occurring between 23/03/2020 and now (including an estimated date or time-frame of each experience.)
Submissions may reflect upon: the challenges, opportunities, the negatives and the positives of your unique experience(s).
Accompanying your submission, we encourage you to upload an image/video/audio that reflects your experience.
Submission Format & Type?
Written Submissions (Required):
A brief description of your experience of life before 23/03/2020
(character limit: max 1000)A brief description of an experience that occurred between 23/03/2020 and now (today’s date)
(character limit: max 2000)
(up to 3 experiences may be submitted. Character limit applies per experience.)An approximate date or time-frame associated with each experience
(eg. “26/08/2020” or “04/05/2020” or “July to October 2020”)
Additional Uploads (Optional):
(Please note that this is optional. If this is not relevant or necessary to telling your story, please feel free to skip this step.)
Format: Photos, videos, audio visual content to accompany your story.
Digital image files: [maximum 10mb]
Video files: [size maximum 100mb & duration maximum 5 minutes]
Audio files: [size 100mb & duration 5 minutes]
Files uploaded via: sharable link (to Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox location).
(assistance with creating a sharable link How To Create a Shareable Link )
When Will Experiences Be Published?
Once a story is submitted, our team will review the story before publishing. Please note that we are a small community project team. This process may take up to two weeks. All stories must adhere to Project Values & Principles . Stories will be published at the discretion of the project team. Our team may edit your writing for grammar and spelling purposes. If this is the case (and if you have provided your contact details), you will have a chance to review the writing before it is published.
Where Will Contributions Be Displayed/Published?
Digitally, selected experiences will be published on our website , Instagram @23032020to and Facebook.
Within public space, a selection of contributions will be curated and displayed at a public launch exhibition event in Moreland in late March 2021 (details to be announced).
Additionally, there is a creative opportunity to work collaboratively with a photographer in telling your story through a profiled interview and accompanying photographs. See further details of this opportunity below.
Further Details About the Additional Opt-In Opportunity:
Collaborate with a Photographer in Telling Your Story
Moreland: 23/03/2020 to xx/xx/xxxx began as a personal photographic project to share the stories of Moreland community members during this challenging time. The project has now evolved into an open community-engaged platform for storytelling. The photographic project continues as an opt-in opportunity.
When submitting your story, you may opt-in and express interest in working collaboratively with a photographer ( Anne Moffat and Simon Aubor ).
A photographer will work collaboratively with you to document your experience(s) and visually tell your story (as an individual, business or collective). This is a wonderful opportunity to share your story and/or promote your business/arts practice etc.
These profiles will be featured on our website, at the launch event and as printed paste-ups in public space (Moreland locations TBC).
We encourage all to apply for this opportunity. Though please do keep in mind that we are a small team and at present only have capacity to deliver a select number of featured profiles at this time.