Lamichhane, Dahal & Joshi family: 23/03/2020 to 25/07/2020
“Before the pandemic I use to go to gym, meet friends, my social life was really great. I’m working as a nurse. Normal hours like before. It’s very risky to work in a hospital. A lot of virus. And also my family are here and my husbands family are here. Due to the pandemic everyone is stuck here now. As you can see we got both parents staying at home, it’s very crowded now, it’s very hard with the expenses, it’s a very tough time now. We used to pay for two of us, now we pay for 7 of us. It’s quite different now. It’s very risky now that I have a 2 year old daughter, because I work in a hospital, everyday I have to think if I’m coming home, am I carrying any disease. It’s very risky. Very tough time.” Explained by Gita Dahal who has been working as a nurse throughout the year.
Photo by Simon Aubor. Photographed prior to the 2020 Flourish: Arts Recovery Grant