
Siteworks: 23/03/2020 to 06/06/2020

The Siteworks location once operated as a Catholic middle school. Upon the school’s closure, the site remained closed for many years - rarely used and disconnected from the community. Moreland City Council engaged Millie Cattlin and Joseph Norster to help reactivate the space for the community, using their caretaker maintenance model previously used Testing Grounds . In a joint effort with staff, residents and the extended Siteworks community, they have been programming, care-taking and maintaining the site since early 2016.

On the site, empty classrooms and corridors were transformed into warm and accessible spaces filled with studios, community events, educational programs and spaces to explore and engage creativity. Steering away from rule-based structured spaces, Siteworks has generated a more open and evolving method that has brought its community together. Siteworks co-director Joseph Norster says, “As a facility we’re not here to take up space. We’re here to get out of the way. We’re here to clear space for other people to have their opinions heard and their creative practices develop”. As a low cost facility, booking revenue raised feeds back into the site and supporting programming.

On 16 March 2020, due to Covid-19, Siteworks closed to the public. All public bookings of spaces were cancelled and or refunded. As the financial toll grew, Siteworks were sadly unable to hold onto some staff members who didn’t qualify for JobKeeper. This had a considerable effect on the team.

A quote from Siteworks’ manifesto states: “As caretakers, we’re here to open doors” - this is exactly what they did for some people in need. Siteworks generously offered spaces free of charge for people in isolation that didn't have practical space to work from home (including parents, low-income earners, students and people living in large share houses.) Siteworks also halted fees for residents who lost their income.

As restrictions ease Siteworks will begin to reopen for private bookings in accordance with State guidelines.

Contact: info@saxonstreet.com

Website: saxonstreet.com

Instagram: siteworks_

Location: 33 Saxon Street, Brunswick VIC, 3065




Interview and photos by Simon Aubor. Photographed prior to the 2020 Flourish: Arts Recovery Grant


Jessicakes: 04/06/2020


Oscar Mañón: 09/06/20